Zest Cleantech
Synthetic fuels
This highly efficient technology produces synthetic fuels from carbon dioxide and hydrogen

This technology manufacturer uses special catalysts in a machine to combine inputs of hydrogen and CO2 or to use syngas to create e-synfuels (e-methanol, e-kerosene (SAF), e-crude, e-methane)
It has built projects in Europe and North America
Opportunity to produce direct, low carbon substitutes for fossil fuels, not requiring any updates to end-use equipment
Carbon reduction potential
This would directly reduce the Scope 1 emissions from users of methanol, aviation fuel, or other fuels derived from crude
It can use exhaust gases from waste pyrolysis and bolt on to carbon capture technology to utilize the CO2
Opportunity to participate
The company is looking for clients that want to produce synthetic fuels
The cost is variable and depends on the scale of the plant. The technology is modular
The client needs is a physical space, and sources of power, hydrogen and CO2 to produce the synthetic fuel